

See how our programs align with the Ohio Revised Academic 科学 and Social Studies Standards 以及《十大赌博平台排行榜》和《十大赌博平台排行榜》.



60 minutes, maximum 30 students.

ABC: Arches, Bridges, and Construction*

成绩5 - 8

团队合作,建造拱门,吊桥和桁架桥,你可以爬过去. Learn what makes bridges work - anchors, beams and compression. Explore the concepts of live load, dead load and environmental stress.

Animal Identification: The 科学 of Skulls

等级4 - 8

是谁有? Use clues such as skull size, 形状, 牙齿的类型和数量以及眼睛的位置,以识别各种俄亥俄州哺乳动物使用他们的头骨和二分法的关键. 这个项目中的活动为分类科学提供了一个很好的介绍. Strong reading skills are necessary for this program. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.

Awesome Animal Adaptations

等级1 - 8

Explore animal habitats and adaptations. Meet and touch live animals that may include a bat, 蛇, 箱龟, 火蜥蜴, 青蛙, and/or hissing cockroaches. Learn about and handle unique items from our collections such as baleen, 驯鹿皮, 还有犰狳盔甲. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


等级1 - 8

像蝙蝠一样走路! 像蝙蝠一样飞翔! 认识一只活的本地蝙蝠! 探索回声定位,了解它是如何工作的,并听到它的声音. 通过幻灯片演示了解这些真正神奇但又被误解的动物, 游戏, 工件和更多. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


7 - 12年级

将适应、分类学和遗传学的概念应用于自然界. 获得动手实践解释和创建系统发育树或枝状图. 然后, 研究博物馆收藏的鸟类标本的表型和基因型.


等级4 - 7

Heat it up and cool it down! See and feel the evidence of physical versus chemical change. Watch your experiments change color as you create acids and bases. Learn chemistry basics and practice lab safety. Beware — the results you take home may be slimy!

Coral: A Colorful Community

等级1 - 3

谈到珊瑚礁,生物多样性是游戏的名称,“海洋雨林”!” Learn all about the organisms that build the reef. 触摸真正的珊瑚骨架,了解珊瑚虫如何觅食和保护自己. 通过木偶游戏时间和共生谜题,探索构成珊瑚礁群落的许多生物的相互联系. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


1 - 4年级

Uncover fossils on a mock paleontological dinosaur dig. Discuss Cincinnati’s world-famous Ordovician fossils, 了解化石是如何形成的,并发现如何将它们与岩石区分开来. Touchable fossils from dinosaurs including 异特龙, 三角龙, 禽龙 and more – a junior paleontologist’s dream! 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


1 - 4年级

探索工程使用一步一步的说明和丰富多彩的建设工具包. Solve problems by building working belt-driven machines. Utilizing the engineering design process, 通过克服摩擦和让紧张为你工作来改进你的发明.

Evolution of Diversity: A History of Earth's Changes*

等级3 - 8

Investigate how land masses moved and shifted through time. Explore a timeline of major species evolution and extinction events. 了解当地的古代生物,它们生活的栖息地和它们的适应能力. 检查奥陶纪的立体模型和博物馆收藏的化石标本. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.

Experimenting with Physical 科学

等级3 - 7

What 形状s do bubbles take? 声音会振动吗?? 探索泡沫, 声音, 电, 磁铁, 运动, 光, color, mirrors and optical illusions in this inquiry-based program. 创造假设,进行实验,得出结论并分享你的发现. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


等级4 - 8

从服装到家用产品再到电脑,纳米技术无处不在. 但是什么是纳米科学呢? 这是纳米尺度上的科学,仅仅是一米的十亿分之一! 执行多达六个实验,探索原子和分子在纳米尺度上的独特行为. Strong reading skills are necessary for this program.


等级1 - 3

动物并不是唯一具有惊人适应能力的动物:植物也是生存大师! Tour the plant life cycle with posters and hands-on activities, focusing on the unique way plants disperse their seeds, attract pollinators and manufacture food. 了解植物的部分,光合作用,发芽,授粉等. Each student will leave with a planted seed of their own.


1 - 4年级

调查天气模式和自然现象通过活动,震动,冲击和爆发! Review the steps of the water cycle, learn about tectonic plates, and model the power of earthquakes, 龙卷风, 火山, 和闪电. Use teamwork to attempt to build a house that is unshakeable! 程序可在 Exploration Station format.

Forensics: The 科学 of Crime

成绩5 - 8

分析人类头骨复制品来确定虚构受害者的性别和种族. 将头骨上的线索与犯罪现场的证据结合起来,确定失踪者的身份,并推测死因. Program can be expanded to include human evolution. 电话查询详情. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


等级3 - 7

Transform into a geologist for the day! 了解所有关于岩石和矿物,同时观看和处理我们收集的令人印象深刻的标本. Examine and classify specimens to learn their true identity, then test your knowledge of everyday uses of minerals. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


1 - 5年级

近距离接触这些构成地球上最大动物群的生物. Learn the characteristics of insects, 通过苍蝇的眼睛看世界,了解昆虫防御的惊人事实, including camouflage and mimicry. 与活体昆虫见面,并观看来自世界各地的昆虫标本. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


1 - 2年级

想象一下雨林之旅,了解生活在那里的动物和植物的多样性. Explore the layers that make up this unique and important habitat, and meet several animals that call the rainforest home.

The Reasons for the Seasons

1 - 5年级

使用地球仪, 旋转和旋转你的方式来学习季节和理解为什么夏天更温暖,冬天更冷. 创造春天的声音和探索季节伪装与动物标本从我们的收藏. 如果你能从动物的粪便和留下的足迹中识别出它们,就能赢得冬季大奖. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.

Superheroes of STEMville

成绩5 - 12

Calling all science heroes! STEMville的市民需要你的工程和数学技能来解决一系列挑战并拯救社区. Use the engineering design process to define the problems; then imagine, create and test solutions. Improve as needed until you save the city! 程序可在 Exploration Station format.


3 - 6年级

随着最近从水星、海王星和更远的地方拍摄的幻灯片图像,飞越太阳系. 触摸真正的陨石和岩石,就像在月球上发现的那样,了解为什么气态巨行星如此丰富多彩. Figure out your galactic address, 想象行星之间的距离,观察气压的挤压效应. 程序可在 Exploration Station format.

Your Heart, Your Blood, Your Health

等级2 - 6

Learn how the heart is packaged, 它的工作方式, 听起来, to which system it belongs and what it pumps. Get a closer look at capillaries, 跑一场小比赛, test your food group knowledge and identify some giant microbes.

What’s the (State of) Matter

等级1 - 3

了解固体, 液体, gases and plasma through fun, 泡沫, sticky and electrifying experiments. 混合不同状态的物质,创造出不完全是固体的东西, 液体, gas or plasma and learn where it fits in the world of matter.

* Program requires a large open space.